
TrackPaws is the app that improves the experience of finding lost pets for pet owners and increasing connections within pet communities.


  • Design Problem

  • User Research

  • Wireframe

  • User Feedback

  • Design Refinement

  • Prototyping

Each year, approximately 10 million pets are lost in the United States, and 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized (ASCPA). According to the user survey, pet owners have shown a high need for platforms that can help to find their lost pets. However, despite this high demand, there are no existing apps that satisfy the user experience of saving lost pets.

To resolve this design issue, I design the mobile app “TrackPaws.” Trackpaws is the app that improves the experience of finding lost pets through the dominant image-sharing function and provokes the motivation to report lost animals through reward service and community news section.

This was an independent project in which I designed my curriculum: timeline, direction, and goals. I chose to direct my attention to rethinking an existing service and revamping it with fresh concepts.

Project Overview


May - July 2022


User Survey

Information Architecture









Final Product


Three Key Hashtags

TrackPaws identifies lost pets with three key hashtags and big images so that users can find lost pets more efficiently with concise, emphasized information.


Image Sharing & Location Adjustment

TrackPaws provides the service that users can report lost pets with specific appearance information, lost date, and location. Specifically, through the slider picker, users can adjust the distance range where pets are lost.


Reward Service

TrackPaws prompts users' participation by allowing users to post and record their personal pet images on my profile page and by giving coupons as a reward for their active participation.


Design Problem

According to the user survey, pet owners have shown a high need toward platforms that can help to find their lost pets. However, despite this high demand, there are no existing apps that satisfy the need and experience of saving lost pets.


How might I create a service that can have high efficiency to find lost pets while have high functionality that can increase users’ app usage?


Key Insight

The user group highly needs the dominant image sharing function of lost pets and chat function where they can discuss pet information.

Describing lost pets with three key words (hashtags) should be highly visible feature in the mobile app design.


Reward service is highly needed to prompt users’ participation in reporting lost pets and writing post in the app.



Thank you



RISD Museum Rebranding Project