Fluidity of Type

From a given text "Ode to Typography", I created both the printed 8-page zine and motion poster that depict the free fluid form of typography. Ode to Typography is an author's love letter to typography that involves lots of water metaphors to depict the free form of alphabets and their creation process with ink. To reflect this content, I created the motion poster that highlights the free form of type by having a liquid-dropping motion effect. The zine shows the contrast between the front and back. The front side, a one-page poster, focuses on capturing the fluid form of type while the back side, which consists of the 8-page zine, focuses on the legibility of the poem.

Link to the poem "Ode To Typography"

RISD Graphic Design Undergraduate Program, Type 3, Spring 2021

Motion Art, 20 seconds

Rough Sketches



Dynamics of Pattern